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The Beatles February 1964

Title: Arrival Back in London/Interview (Grandstand)
Type: TV Show
Filming Location: Heathrow Airport, London, England
Filming Date: February 22nd 1964
Broadcast Date: February 22nd 1964
Country Of Broadcast: UK
Duration: 03:46 Minutes (Arrival); 6:21 Minutes (Interview); 14:39 Minutes (Complete)
Quality: C
Source: "The Beatles Turn Left At Greenland DVD 3" (Darthdisc)
Other Sources: "The Beatles Rarities 1964 Vol 1" (BA Productions)
Notes: Today at 8:10am The Beatles arrived back home in London from New York following their American visit.
The "BBC" deemed their arrival important enough to actually feature footage of their arrival at Heathrow airport
and the "interview" (used by all networks) done inside the terminal during a press conference in a
TV program other than the nightly TV news broadcasts which was the norm for such occasions.
All of this footage was featured that afternoon at the very start of the BBC TV sports program
"Grandstand" at 1pm most probably to the annoyance of the many sports fans watching.
Of special note there seems to have been only two interviewers allowed to ask questions.
One was from the BBC which is used in this "Grandstand" broadcast with the interviewer located on the right of screen.
The other interview came from an interviewer to the left of screen and this is used by the majority of networks and newsreels.